Friday, January 28, 2011

What's in the New York MMA bill

There's been a whole lot of "Rah rah let's legalize MMA in New York" fervor lately, but it's interesting to note that very few people have taken a look at the actual MMA bill which is winding it's way through the glacial digestive tract of the New York Senate. Jim Genia's got nothing better to do at the moment, so he breaks down some of the more interesting parts of the bill and what they mean. A few selections:

??Professional combative sports match or exhibition? shall mean any match or exhibition that must be approved by the Commission where the professional combative sports participants receive consideration of any value or admission is charged.? ? Crap, someone told them about the ?amateur? loophole.

?Nothing in this subdivision shall authorize the Commission to intervene or prohibit a professional combative sports match or exhibition solely on the basis of the difference between the respective participants? martial arts disciplines.? ? Tai Chi vs. Muay Thai?  Oh baby, it?s on.

?No participant shall be allowed to participate in more than three matches or exhibitions or compete for more than sixty minutes within seventy-two consecutive hours.? ? One night, eight-man tournament?  Bring it, homeboy.

?A tax is hereby imposed and shall be paid upon the gross receipts of every person holding any professional combative sports match or exhibition in this state.  Such tax shall be imposed on the gross receipts as follows: 8.5% of gross receipts from ticket sales, and 3% of gross receipts from broadcasting rights, except that in no event shall the tax imposed exceed $50,000 for any match or exhibition.? ? And once again, the ?little guy? promoter gets screwed.

8.5% is pretty high and it'll be the end of an era when they shut down all those crazy underground MMA shows that have been going on for years. But on the plus side, you can have a whole lot of fun with fighters being allowed 60 minutes worth of fighting in 72 hours. Time to throw a three day kumite in New York city!


Noboru Asahi Marcus Aurelio Mikhail Avetisyan Armando Sanchez

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